Topeak QuickTrack MTX rack wedge mounted to milk crate with zipties (openscad)
Modified the sled openscad file from [jridley's design]( so that instead of using nuts and bolts, I could drill out holes for zipties (sort of like this approach I haven't looked at jridley's clip design yet. This remix is just for the wedge so that I could mount a milk crate on my topeak rack and secure it with a bungie cord. I printed a small version first to get the dimensions of the wedge right for my rack. This will probably vary for everyones 3D printer (in terms of calibration) & also the racks will probably vary slightly. I printed in PLA, 0.28mm layer height, with 30% infill. I used zipties across the designed slats, and then I drilled holes with a 3/16" bit so that I could also mount zipties going in the other direction to prevent forward/back movement. The print took a while, and one of the edges peeled off the corner of the bed. This means that I can't slide the rack all the way in because the backside is a little messed up. Be sure to print with glue, or keep your bed heated throughout the print to avoid warping.