Rift S Speaker / headphones (Stereo Audio)

Rift S Speaker / headphones (Stereo Audio)


This is my favorite thing I have made, and it works amazingly. there are a few things to consider: 1) If you have a super small head, the headset might not tighten on your head all the way. 2) if you don't have the right length screws you might break your VR headset HeadMount (I made sure not to, but this is just a warning. as long as you are careful you won't break anything) 3) you need to buy some parts 4) I recommend rechargeable batteries. batteries last about 7 h so don't waste money on AA (you just need a 5V power source) 5) if you listen too loud it can cause ear damage and temporary ear ringing Parts You might need to buy: Battery box: https://www.amazon.com/x1-5V-Battery-Holder-Switch-Wires/dp/B01C5J4J78/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3G07JI99HKK7N&dchild=1&keywords=5v+aa+battery+pack&qid=1613593233&sprefix=5v+AA+battery+%2Caps%2C501&sr=8-4 Amp with volume dial: https://www.amazon.com/Amplifier-DROK-PAM8406-Digital-Channel/dp/B077MKQJW2?pd_rd_w=K4ZWT&pf_rd_p=7a695a6b-3610-4583-9730-4d63d22b28b7&pf_rd_r=S9843TT407DQDRH1YRWH&pd_rd_r=c9b73a45-7058-46fa-9b37-62cdf9c45cdf&pd_rd_wg=PY0CO&pd_rd_i=B077MKQJW2&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_rp_9_i Assortment of nuts/ bolts/washers: https://www.harborfreight.com/347-piece-nut-and-bolt-assortment-67621.html Assortment of spacers/ washers: https://www.harborfreight.com/125-piece-tap-reseater-washer-assortment-67605.html Speaker: https://leeselectronic.com/en/product/448.html Aux chord: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LM0U8I6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1






