Furniture pipe foot insert for couch or futon
This is a simple replacement for a furniture leg insert/end cap for a couch/futon/daybed that uses a pipe leg. It is designed to be functional, easy to print, and reasonably forgiving of printer tolerances. This part was designed for a pipe with an inner diameter of 59mm* and extends the length of the leg by 3mm. It has a slight taper to make fitting easier, and notches to reduce filament usage and make a snug but flexible fit. This is designed to be printed with 100% infill if it is to be used as a furniture foot. I've already removed most of the unnecessary plastic. At the very least, make sure the outer lip has a high number of perimeters, as this part will bear any load placed on the pipe. *Note that the widest part of the taper is specified at exactly 49mm in this print, as most printers tend to over-extrude slightly. If your printer is perfectly dialed in or tends to under-extrude, and you happen to need exactly 49mm ID, you might need to resize else this may be a little loose. OpenSCAD source is included and all parameters are easily edited at the top of the file.