Cartoon Rocket - No painting required!
###Update May 2021 This design will be moved to [Cults]( and will stop being available here on Thingiverse by the end of May. Thanks for all the makes and comments! Cheers! ![Cartoon Rocket]( I got inspired and started this fun little project after printing [this rocket]( from Thingiverse. My goal was to design something that didn't required paint while still looking great. I'm new to both 3D printing and 3D modeling (got an Ender 3 Pro last January) so it took me a while to figure out how to make all the small parts printable but it was worth the trouble and I think that the result speaks for itself. Another goal I had with this project was to use standard Cura settings only in order to make it easier for those who want to try and print this model. All the parts have been orientated the same way as I printed them, here is a guide on how to print them by color (thanks to [Lego_3D_Man]( for suggesting color categories). The rocket is 15 cm tall by itself and 22 cm tall with the base (thanks to [mmclark98]( for suggesting to add some dimensions). Red parts: Nose x1: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, no supports Window x2: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, no supports Fins x1: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports Gray parts: Body rivet x12: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports Side panel x2: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports Window rivets x2: **Dynamic Quality** 0.16mm setting, **brim** and no supports Nozzle x1: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports White parts: Body x1: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, no supports Smoke x1: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, no supports Black parts: Tile left x2: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports Tile top x4: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports Tile right x2: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports Tile bottom x6: Standard Quality 0.2mm setting, **brim** and no supports Everything was printed on my ender 3 pro and I used CA glue to put everything together. Some cleaning of the parts printed with a brim was required, also the window has a thin edge that goes facing down and the window rivets sometimes will break of from the base so you either mount it with the base if the don't brake or just glue each rivet directly to the window. Hope you guys enjoy building this rocket as much as I did. If you have any comments/questions or if you need help with a design, please contact me and if you like any of my designs please feel free to [buy a me a cup of coffee]( /M Factory