Glove drier

Glove drier


Whenever we go skiing or play in the snow my kids gloves are always soaked and never dry. I came up with this and it works fabulous. Ends up costing around $50 to build but worth it if you ski or play in the snow a lot with kids. Can work with boots too. You will need this fan from amazon. You also need to get 3/4 inch pipe and cut to lengths. 20mm seemed to be a nice length. I drill holes at the end of each pipe to disperse the air into the glove better. I added a pipe blocker to place inside between drying pipes and fan so fan doesnt get damaged I am completely new to 3D printing so if you have any suggestions I'd love to learn more. The only supports needed are for the bottom 3 air pipe connections on the air chamber final print. Nothing else needs suppports.



