Lithophane Transparency Test

Lithophane Transparency Test


I have been getting more and more into printing lithophanes, but could not find a transparency test I liked. A great many are printed laying flat rather than vertically like I print my lithophanes, and most I found that were printed vertically did not have full 0.1mm steps as high as I wanted and/or did not have labels. I created this in Tinkercad as a quick solution. It shows transparency in thicknesses from 0.5mm through 5.9mm with the grid rows/columns labeled for reference, and the walls to the sides of the grid are both 6.0mm. Each grid square is 5mm x 5mm or 3mm x 3mm, depending which version you use. The 3x3 version is quicker to print, but I find the 5x5 to be far easier to use, and worth the extra print time. NOTE: I personally print this test using my lithophane profile to make it as accurate a representation as possible to how my lithophanes will work, but that doesn't mean you have to. So long as you print this with 100% infill, it should still show proper transparency levels. Printing the 5x5 with my lithophane profile for slicing took 2h40m, which is a long time for a test, but I see it as worthwhile, as I only need to print one for each color/brand of filament that I plan to use for lithophanes.



