Modular Box
Fully & eaisly customizable box -very easy screw in modules -lots of options -available development plates available -example I have put together is for ts100, but this can be for anything Available parts & modules -Box top & Box bottom, which need to be connected with 1mm wire & 4x5mm magnet balls (be sure to match polarity of balls when inserting them -all of the modules are mounted with mounting screw, which screws into the rail -big & small boxes with sliding lid or just a slide in rim -boxes with hinges, which will need 1mm wire and can use 5mm magnet ball to close -solder holder & screw to hold it (10 mm inner radius) -helping hand base & flux pot with cap -ts100 & spare tip holder, there is quite a few options to choose from -LED light switch & LIPO module: I've used switch recycled from thompson DSL modem/router, recycled 5050 LED and 1s LIPO I had laying arround. Had to add 3.3V regulotor & resistor to make it work