LitenVindV3 Fan Duct 4020

LitenVindV3 Fan Duct 4020


#LitenVindV3# So there we go, another fan duct for the Ender 3. Don't ask me about the choosen name, I`ve just thrown a few words into a translator and Swedish was my favorite, yeah ... I designed this thing for my personal use so it has a mount for the BLTouch and is made specifically for the Noctua 4020 fans. It's easy to print, no supports at all, and it can be assembled without any instructions. (too lazy to make one lol) What do you need for it? - 2x M3 nuts - 2x original M3 screws to attach the LitenVind to the frame - 4x M3x25 for the Noctua - 4 original screws for the part fan - 1x M3x10 for the BLTouch bracket - 2x M3x5 for screwing the BLTouch to the bracket - 1x M3x10 for the back plate The parts you need to print are all already aligned and ready to print! Yep, this thing is based on the Satsana duct but i dont want to call this a remix cause I really changed everthing on it. So lets say the LitenVindV3 is inspired by the Satsama. The cool thing is, that you are now abled to change the part cooling duct. And you can adjust the hight of the BLTouch just with loosing one screw. So please don't judge me that hard, it's my first Ender 3 modification I uploaded here.







3D Printing