Nozzle for a Thoothpaste Tube - TubenTülle

Nozzle for a Thoothpaste Tube - TubenTülle


This is a nozzle that can be screwed on a toothpaste tube in place of it's cap. Not realy useful when you still have toothpaste in the tube but it can be used if the tube gets a second life and is used to hold and dispense other liquids like glue which you need to dispense into fine openings like the gaps between floor boards. Just clean out the toothpaste, let the tube dry, fill in the new content and close the open back side of the tube with a strong bag clip. Caps for toothpaste are less standarized than I would have thought. There is a nice collection of different caps at For some reason thingiverse won't let me place that thing as a remix source. I printed those caps and then used the one that fit best in my case. For this I imported the .stl into freeCAD, in Part converted the mesh into a shape, refined the shape, converted it to a solid and then fused that with the other parts. FreeCAD sources are included.






