Here is a set up to mount a 7” LCD Touchscreen on a frame that holds a raspberry pi In an argon one m.2 case. The whole thing is designed to sit on top of your CR-10S (Or same controller) box. The mounting holes are designed for standard raspberry pi stand-offs and screws (M2.5). The screen it is designed around is the geekpi 7” 1024x600 capacitive hdmi touchscreen [Amazon $60]. You will need some standard brass stand offs to lift the LCD from the frame to provide clearance for the ports. The little legs are designed to elevate the argon one case so that you can also fit an external HD or other thing between it and the top plate. The pieces are named in a manner that should be self explanatory of their purpose. But if you get stuck on how to proceed then just message me or leave a comment and I’ll point you in the right direction.