Trem away!
This device is designed to go behind a fender style trem block and disable the whammy bar for those who don't want the tuning issues associated with one. Essentially it makes the guitar a hardtail and was a mod made popular by Eric Clapton. This particular block fit an Ibanez gio. YOU WILL NEED TO SIZE IT TO YOUR GUITAR. I gave mine a 1/2mm of slop to account for printer and trem cavity discrepancies. This was printed in PETG but PLA would definitely work. Settings: PETG 225c nozzle temp 70c bed temp 0.2mm z offset 0.6mm nozzle (0.4 would just be slower and id do six rather than four shells) Wall line count 4 top/bottom layers 4 infill 20% Printer: ender 3 pro w/direct drive