Klobúčik hop - Quratantine game
Rules: The game "Klobúčik hop" can by played by any number of player. Each player fire hat by launch pad 4-times = with each of the different hat colour. Points are counted according to stripe where the hat fits! The value is double when colour of hat match colour of stripe. The winner is player with the most of the points. But...play whatever you like it :) I spent some time to optimalize the game so hope you don´t mind my sign on lanuch pad. I´m looking forward to see some prints out there :) This is the game of my youth, so, hope you enjoy it :) I assume it is for 4-12 years old but you know, after few shots every game is a good game :D Have fun and let me know how it goes :) You also need: 3pcs M5x25 + 3x nuts M5 12pcs little weights for "hats" - I use balls from bike bearing with drop of superglue Printing tips: I print "Base_plate" without bottom layers to make it flexible and save some time and material. 3x0,2mm layers at the top are enough. Depends on your material. 20% infill. And no skirt because of dimensions (for my printer Ender 3 V2). "Hat" + "Launch_padle" + "Clip are withoth infill. Just top, bottom and wall thickness. Supports just on the "Launch_pad"