ESP NodeMCU / D1 Mini - Breadboard Mount for Home Automation Prototyping and Experimentation

ESP NodeMCU / D1 Mini - Breadboard Mount for Home Automation Prototyping and Experimentation


We all know how the "odds and ends" pile up when you get into home automation and electronics. Stop the chaos and bundle your current IOT projects with this compact prototyping setup. It's designed to maximize the real estate of a small breadboard while keeping your NodeMCU securely in place. When you work with Tasmota, ESPHome, and Home Assistant, having a quick and easy setup like this can save time. This could also be a great learning platform for students and educators. It is possible to print this in under 2 hours. Don't be afraid to experiment! Keep learning and have fun! :) If you need a specific board version, be sure to let me know in the comments and I'll try and add more. Items needed: 400 point tie-point breadboard NodeMCU or D1 mini board.. (pin-header should be inverted so it might be easier to order one that is not pre-soldered) Little screws (or you can hot glue)






