Dice Full Dungeons and Dragons Set for blind people D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 D20
I made a full set of dice for dungeon and dragons or other pen and paper rpg or other boardgames for blind people or people with poor eyesight. Explanation of system: A normal D6 uses points to show the value, which works good for numbers from 1 to 6, but in fact children just count the eyes when throwing a die until they recognize the patterns. But for rpg dice that system will not work, at least not for d10, d12 and d20. But the principle is the same, only I use 3 different symbols: A point counts as one (just like on a normal die) A bar counts as 3 And a circle counts as a 10 ( For higher numbers the circle is placed around the other symbols which have the same orientation as without the circle, so for exampole a nineteen is just a nine (three bars) with a circle around, a 20 is two concentric circles.) You then just add up the symbols to get the value Some examples: "- - . ." is a 8 (3+3+1+1) "o - . ." is a 15 (10+3+1+1) "o o" is a 20 (10+10) "- - -" is a nine (3+3+3) This system is easy to fell with the fingertip from any direction and can also easy be read by people who can see (another problem with braille) The people I tested them with wether with poor or good eyesight liked the system and found it usable, but please write in the comments who you like it, especially experiences from blind people are welcome to improve the system. I first tried with numbers written in braille, but found this solution hard to use as it is difficult to feel the number when the writting is in a random direction. So I thought out a different sytem that works in any direction and for numbers from 1 to 20 so it can be used for a normal range of dice. As braille needs a number-sign before each number its also difficult to use on a dice, as you often have then 3 signs in a row which either makes the number very small or the die very big, especially for a 20 sider. Remark for the D4: I didn´t use the classic form from D&D of the four sided pyramid as the numbers at the corners are hard to realize, so I found the form of a long bar with four sides better suited for this sort of die. Printing instructions: Each die is positioned in the best printing direction, so don´t turn them in Cura. For all dice set the support overhang angle to 43° and "touching builtplate only. Use high quality setting to get the best possible result and set all walls to the same thickness so that you don´t get unbalanced dice. Set the infill to minimum 25 % The dice have a medium size. If you want smaller ones you can reduce them to 60% D4: Use brim buillt plate adhension, at least 10 lines. Supports recommended D6/D8/D10/D20: Use brim buillt plate adhension, at least 10 lines. Activate supports D12 : Deactivate built plate adhension or use skirt only, Activate supports Legal stuff: BY DOWNLOADING THE FILES FROM THINGIVERSE YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The files are for private use only! You are allowed to print parts from them for your personal use only! You are not allowed to use this files or parts you printed with the use of this files of it in any comercial way! If you are distributing Pictures from parts or models you build with theses files you are only allowed to to so if you are declaring the source of the design. You have to add a link to this thingiverse-thing in the description of your Fotos! You are not allowed to copy or distribute them in any way! You are not allowed to sell them or parts you printed from them or models you build with the use of this files!