85mm Water Bottle Mount
Have NOT Printed this yet, but measurements SHOULD be dead on. I have Rabbits, and the "Wire" that comes with these water bottles are worthless, they keep falling off, they get lost, trying to dig out a metal coat hanger to make your own and never quite right when it comes to the curve, not easy to bend nor cut. So my Solution, a Sleeve Mount for my Rabbit's water bottle. When you take off the cap to fill the bottle back up, just slide this over the bottle, fill the bottle up, put the cap back on and hang it on your Rabbit cage. If you need a Different hanger fill free to Remix, This was designed for the metal wire cages with the plastic bottom with the horizontal bars like a bird cage. Maybe one day I'll make if Modular so you can print the main part then print off a hanger that will fit your cage, but most cages that are used are the metal wire ones for rabbits and hamster so this should fit just about any cage.