Articulated Giant Isopod
Giant isopod with articulating body joint, front legs, rear legs, and tail flippers: * The main body with 8 pieces is printed in place without supports. * The main body objects can be split in the slicer (example: PrusaSlicer -> Split -> To Objects) and then snapped together after printing. * The face/antennas, front legs, rear legs, and tail flippers are printed separately and snap in with ball joints. * The face is a little hard to install; use pliers to install the dog bone onto the face first, and then onto the main body. * The legs should fit tightly so that they are posable. * The legs go as follows front to back: short front legs, long front legs (x2), short rear legs, long rear legs (x2) * Also included separate head joint files with kawaii faces ≧◡≦ Enjoy! Edit: split up leg parts into 3 separate files