Clip-on stepper cable guide and Titan Aero mount with fan shroud
A clip-on x-motor cable guide. An alternate Titan Aero mount which a) positions for better use of full bed on this iTopie printer, b) has cable mount points for better cable management, c) as z-probe mount, d) has a fan shroud with air passage ways in mount that allow hot-end fan to cool both the hot-end and the extruder motor, e) the air from the hot end fan is directed away from the part. The clip-on guide is my alternative to a full on cable guide chain. It seemed over-kill for what I'd needed as the cable, as you see prepared in the photo already, has good movement. The guide assures that the cable does not get caught up when homing at max position. Also note the mount part has been modified to move the cable mount point forward and the probe mount down a bit. (scad files are in repo below). Also included the rail mount making this a complete package for anyone interested in changing their hot end mount entirely. The greater project can be referenced in github at [iTopie400+](