Lensboard for Graflex Miniature Speed Graphic

Lensboard for Graflex Miniature Speed Graphic


This is a lensboard for the Graflex Miniature Speed Graphic medium format camera. the files are as follows: lensboard_defs.scad: contains the module for making a solid lensboard and all the variables encoding the measurements for the lensboard. If you need the variables you should "include" this file not "use" it. lensholes should be centered on the z-axis. standard_lensboard.scad/stl: this is a lensboard with a lenshole and alignment pin hole that fits the Wollensak-made Graphex shutter that came with the Miniature Speed Graphic. you will probably need to clean up the alignment hole a bit for the shutter's alignment pin to fit. copal_0_lensboard.scad/stl: has a Copal #0 hole and indentation for the shutter locknut. solid_lensboard.scad/stl: completely solid lensboard without a lens hole. pinhole_lensboard.scad/stl: a lensboard made with a slot for inserting a pinhole. Depending on your printer you may have to adjust the variable ```scale_factor```. My Creality CR-10S prints close to 1 = 1mm, but an Ultimaker I used needed to be scaled up by 1.01.






