Connectris- the real life block game!

Connectris- the real life block game!


Since I was a kid I always wondered if you could make a physical board game of Tetris. Finally, all these years later, as an adult I was excited that I could finally make this happen- so I am proud to introduce Connectris! After doing a bit of research I discovered there were two games like this- Tetris Link, Tetris Dual, and Tetris Tower. Of these three, the first two didn't use gameplay and rules that actually matched the original game. Tetris Tower seems to do okay, and it even has a timer like the real game- but it's out of production. With this set, anybody can make their own physical version of the game, and customize the colors, game pieces, and rules to whatever they'd like! I'm still hammering out the rules, but here's the essentials: -1 or 2 players -Roll the dice to decide which piece to play. The 6th side of the die should be an independent color, and by default rolling this will let you choose your own piece. You can change this side to do whatever function you think would be fun- maybe your opponent chooses your piece instead! -Players may choose to forfeit their turn to place a block in the reserve tray. They may then swap this piece out for their drawn piece at any time during the game. Swapping an already reserved piece does not forfeit the turn. -The point of the game is to complete a line (just like in the original). Each line is worth points, with 2-4 successive lines being progressively more points. Every successive line after 4 is simply worth the same points as 4. -I suggest printing 3 colors of pegs; one set of 20 for each player and a third of its own color. Each player marks a complete line with their color peg for keeping track of score. -To keep players from avoiding finished lines, a height limit may be imposed. I suggest pieces cannot be placed more than 4 blocks above the highest completed (or broken) line. A broken line is one which has one or more holes in it that have been covered up, so the line can no longer be completed. If the highest line on the board is a broken line, I suggest using the third peg (possibly red) to mark it for reference. This would then be moved/remove as the game progresss. -Play is finished when no more tetrominos can be placed on the board. Scores are tallied to find the winner. -Single player gameplay has the same rules but no height restriction is incurred. Please check the print settings for more information on printing this!






