Highly parameterised seedling planter with square water reservoir

Highly parameterised seedling planter with square water reservoir


Highly parameterised seedling plant pot design with a square water reservoir ("self watering"). I tried some other designs with circular reservoirs but found there was a lot of wasted space, and they weren't tall enough to use all the coffee filter space. This design allows one to set the reservoir area, height, floor thickness, wall thickness, central support height, radius and thickness, and plant holder height, top and bottom radius and wall thicknesses. Some of the settings (eg cylinder top radius) are derived from calculations so may require some hand editing if the default of central support radius + (reservoir area / PI) does not suffice. Put a coffee filter in the central area, add some transplant soil, and transplant overgrown seedlings from egg carton poly tunnel (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4777643) and water while waiting for spring to hit, then plant in to a container or direct in to garden.



