XMods Mustang Gt Mini Z adaptor(Front and Side Clip)
Xmods Mustang GT Mini Z adaptor(Front and Side Clip) Created for some people in the mini z Facebook group(I forgot who). And I love Xmods bodies with their customizable parts. Lowered quite a bit, because it looks dorky when it's so high up. Please read warnings to get a good idea of what you are getting yourself into. Installation Warnings: 1. Make sure the printer is calibrated so that the part is dimensionally correct. 2. Beware of the body kit, spreading the body too much may damage the skirts. 3. Mount Sideclips straight, may require adding glue to the back if there is hollow space. 4. Use common sense. 5. Remove the original Xmod body mount. 6. Sand Glue areas 7. Make sure 3d printer side calibration is correct. Installation Instructions: 1. Mount on the front clip to Mr03 chassis 2. Mount side clips to the chassis 3. Apply slow drying CA(Super)/similar glue to the side clip 4. Mount the body using the front clip as a guider 5. Spread the body with the rear wheel arc and slide the chassis into the body. 6. Position to desired rear ride height. 7. When the clips are positioned correctly allow drying. (Review warning 3) 8. Apply more ca glue to wherever you think needs more reinforcing. You're done! I'm not responsible for any damage to the body, I know my instructions are not perfect but they give you an idea of how to install it. There are other ways to install it, do whatever feels best.