90 degree Tilted Arm for LiftPod

90 degree Tilted Arm for LiftPod


This is an additional arm directed mostly to VESA mounted LiftPods. The side mounts on VESA mounts allows to mount an side web cam or any additional accesories. But for some of those they are rotated in the wrong axis (90 degree to the side) I designed this arm to fix this issue mostly for webcams. This arm might not be the strongest one by will handle any traditional webcam. The distance between arms attaching to VESA mount (horizontal) and to any objech holder (vertical) can be changed to: - Internal arms (like Extend Arms A in original LiftPod project) - Middle arms (like Extend Arms B in original LiftPod project) - Base (like Base Plate in original LiftPod project) The height of mounting arms and of the arm overall can be also changed but I did not checked it's limits. The default values worked for me enough to have an easy access to all of the knobs.






