7 segment numbers for NeoPixSegment

7 segment numbers for NeoPixSegment


Shades and diffusors for 7 segment numbers with WS2812b leds #NeoPixSegment. Shades (part2) - black PLA - nozle 0.4mm, layer height 0.2mm, supports included in model. Diffusors (part1) - white PLA - nozle 0.4mm, layer height 0.2mm, no supports. Front side is only one layer 0,2mm, be carefuly. Textured PEI is better than smooth one. You can buy segment numbers and comma with stands (and this printed parts too) on my e-shop [www.vokolo.cz](https://www.vokolo.cz/neopixsegment/), for Czech and Slovakia customers only. From other countries please send me message, I can send to EU, UK and USA. You can download Arduino library from [GitHub](https://github.com/Azuzula/NeoPixSegment) How to assembly number plastic parts [YouTube](https://youtu.be/0sZ0TZTWZis) Finaly I finish box with 3 variants for sensors. Front part: box v11a VarA - TEMT6000 only box v11a VarB - TEMT6000 + SHT31 box v11a VarC - TEMT6000 + SHT31 + PIR AM612 minimal breakout from my shop. Will be soon. More modifications are possible. Just send me message on twitter @AzuzulaCz. Back part: box v11b Sensors and usb holders: box v11c Feets from flex filament: box v11c feet - test in progress Also you need some screws: 2 to 4 pcs M3x5mm for sensors (1x TEMT6000, 1x SHT31, 2x PIR) 2 pcs M3x5mm for arduino and RTC modules 2 pcs M3x10mm for USB and navigation button 4 pcs M3x12mm for screw front and back box together







3D Printing