Joint (Low Profile Ball Joint)
One more joint !!!? Unfortunately yes, but I really think I will not do others ... I hope the images are self-explanatory enough. I have tried and I believe I have found a way to best optimize the distance between the spheres, when more joints are placed in the chain to make an articulated arm, maintaining a consistent bend angle and above all the characteristic of being able to adjust continuously and finely the clutch with the same method of the small rubber layer used in the version of the other two-ball joints, of which I will leave the link below. This is fully printable in PLA (like versions 3.0-3.1 and 3.2 of the other) and I had no problem with 0.2mm layers (turn off support and don't change bed orientation). Excessive elefant foot can be a problem, if you can't eliminate or control it, better activate the raft. A running-in period and a work to settle the threads that have rather tight tolerances are necessary (I prefer to suffer a little with the plastic threads at the first assembly, and where possible, it is always better in the first round to pair something that has already been running in). In addition to the files of the parts of the joint, I also inserted a couple of Tools: a small vice (to be "cracked" before use) in which to fit the two hemispheres (a little by force, in plane from the base one, on each side), just at the moment of first adjustment of the threads and a small "plug" to pass through the threads a few times and then use to keep the hemispheres mounted when assembling the joint. Under the brake, as for the other version of the two-ball joint, the rubber layer (obtained from an air chamber or elastic), of the thickness you prefer, must be inserted. You will also find the various fittings to be able to interface these joints with the other plastic versions and with the modular structure. I am quite satisfied with the functionality obtained, but obviously I would like to receive any suggestions for improvements or variations that may be useful and which I may not have thought of. I hope I haven't been too long, (as in the other description, for which I apologize), and of course I hope I haven't left out something necessary, but in case I ask you to report it, so I can integrate. I thank and greet everyone. link to 3d Modular System and other joints: Edit: 09/16/2021 Added a STL file (number 10): is a +0.5mm raised brake to add more friction useful especially in case of break-in completed and advanced state of working life.