Engine Mount Shim

Engine Mount Shim


Yaw Adjustment Test Shim for a Jabiru 3300 engine mount. To install a Washer or Spacer or Shim, you have to pull the engine off the mount. This washer will allow you to just loosen the engine mount shock absorbers, slide two of these washers in on the firewall side next to the rubber, and click them together in place. Then re-tighten the bolts and nuts to snug..(Do Not Torque per Jabiru Engine Installation Manual.) Pressure from the mount will keep them together. This was designed as a quick way to test if you need to remove the Yaw caused by your Engine. First check, if Power off glide centers your ball, if so, you might need to try this as a test. Install on the side that the Ball is on...( or the Foot that gets tired... LOL ) Print using a Higher Temp material such as NylonCF if you want to EXPERIMENT with leaving this in. This should give an Idea on how much spacer you might need. Washer: 4mm Thick or 5mm Thick 38.3mm OD 22mm ID Print 4 of these to make two complete Spacers, click together, Tap with a hammer gently to seat fully, separate halves, then insert from opposite directions on the firewall side, click in place, snug bolts. NOTE: My Aircraft is EXPERIMENTAL. IF you try this, it is at YOUR OWN RISK... Because of the way the Jabiru 3300 Mounts, this is an easy way to add a Shim. Failure of this part will not Separate the Engine from the Aircraft. This THING was Designed to Help Troubleshoot a YAW problem with power applied in Flight Once done Testing, You can pull your engine away from the mount, and install proper spacers. You can use less or more thickness as needed to center your Ball. Yes, it's a Pain in the A$$.






