Wanhao D6 Monoprice hotend dual part cooling using V6 E3D

Wanhao D6 Monoprice hotend dual part cooling using V6 E3D


I’d like to share with you a design I implemented about a 1,5 year ago to improve the performance of my D6. It’s a bit tricky to build (radiator), but the printed frame despite complicated looks prints in one go with no supports (just position it upside-down on the bed). Thingy works perfect and was in my opinion worth all the effort. I did not have a single jam on it and fan can work at reduced pace. I used an extra step-down to adjust always-on fan rpm to my liking – can be seen on the side of the head block. Part cooling fans use no nozzles or other flow redirection, which allows them to use their full potential. That element of the design is a result of several variations I tested and proved most effective. I use them at max 75%, so there is quite a bit of head if needed. Drawings do not show the hot end fan, but you can see it on photos. Components needed • V6 hotend with a heater, sensor, silicone sock and a heat break • 40x10 radial fans x2 + cable to split the power to them (simple parallel Y-splitter) • 40x10 axial fan • Aluminum heatsink 110x41x8mm such as one found here https://www.ebay.de/itm/Heat-sink-IC-Kuhlkorper-Alu-Cooling-Fin-For-LED-Transistor-Power-12-Arten/363147097944?hash=item548d40f758:g:bocAAOSwTspfjSkw (need to shorten it to 87mm) • Piece of copper to make an adapter (threaded to match heat break); in my case it was OD 10mm x 15mm • Piece of tube, heat shrink or a threaded pool (printed, not included) to act as an alignment guide to match the heat break with printer head block. • Basic mounting material, such as 2-sided adhesive, m3 screws (original ones can be re-used), a small piece of aluminum tape to protect fans 6.03.21 - added a sample print (Rook tower)



