PO-2 (ПО-2) USSR concrete fence in H0 scale

PO-2 (ПО-2) USSR concrete fence in H0 scale


H0 scale (1:87) model of concrete fence, type ПО-2 (Серия ИЖ 31-77) without apron. These concrete walls where installed around industrial and military buildings, factories, railroads and all other places throughout former Soviet Union. It was designed by Boris Lakhman in 70s. 3D model was made according to original drawings to be as close as possible in this scale. It consists of fence and concrete feet models that are glued together. Tip: free space in feet can be filled with sodium carbonate and additionally reinforced with small amount of superglue. This will add a nice, rough feature to model.Can be a nice addition to railway layout- print as many as You need, paint it, write a graffiti on these. Sometimes such a small details make a great accent on layout.



