Easy Robot Arm (SG90 servos & now steppers too) UPDATED 03/21
Designed to need only the things that came with your SG90s(and maybe your 28BYJ-48 stepper too...), tried to make it easy to print, minimize number of pieces(though there are still a few), difficulty of scaffolding removal, etc. All motors and components are hot-swappable! Fusion and Step files included, for those that want. Especially pleased with the way the screw-caps hold and allow rotation. Ideas: 1) Unless you have some servos with good torque, maybe use the 60mm arms only. 2.) Pic of little red elastic bands in the joints to dampen some of the vibrations. UPDATED 8 Mar 2021 1.) Servo struggling to survive the lower motor position, adapter plate and pin added for 28BYJ-48 stepper motor. 2.) Offaxis head mounts added to bring gripper closer to the last arm pivot point. 3.) Various minor mods for strength and usability.