Filament Guide and Fault Detector

Filament Guide and Fault Detector


Kuddos to! I followed it's instructions, got it to work, but then decided to combine it with a filament guide. I ended up just changing the bracket's base to that of the filament guide in I used Meshmixer to combine the two. You will need to print out everything from the Filament Fault Detector (2585896), except the bracket. Use this bracket instead. You will also need to print out the End Clip of the Filament Guide (2917932). Follow the instructions for the Filament Fault Detector, except for where you mount it. Check my pictures for how it is mounted instead. It should detect both a filament runout and a jam in the filament spool. Note: I do have a spool holder, printed from, so the tension on the sensor is light and steady due to the bearings. So really, the only new thing here is the bracket. 4/24/21: Added another bracket option, not that the first one didn't work, but folks might find this to be a better option. I basically modified the roller bracket in to also hold the detector box. The new stl is the new roll bracket. The jpg's show how it's put together. Please comment if you tried this and whether it worked for you. The only difficulty (slightly) I found was adjusting the rubber band to provide the correct tension. I got a few false detects before I got it right. The good thing was that it showed me that the pause and resume print works.







3D Printing