Pop-Up Case/Stand Blank
Here is a customizable version of the case I made for some of my design tools. You will need the following supplies: -0.5 x 5 x 15mm Compression Springs https://www.amazon.com/Stainless-Steel-Compression-Springs-15mm/dp/B07RSZTYXC/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=stainless+steel+compression+springs+20+pcs+0.5+x+5+x+15mm&qid=1609438242&sr=8-2 -M3 Heat Set Inserts qty9 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Qty-100-M3-3mm-M3-0-5-Brass-Threaded-Metal-Heat-Set-Screw-Inserts-3D-Printing/292175924519?epid=2202587654&hash=item44070acd27:g:vNAAAOSwW6BZ8~g3 -M3 Countersunk Flat Head Screws 8mm length https://www.amazon.com/binifiMux-Phillips-Countersunk-Assortment-Stainless/dp/B07XGNJBGS/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=binifimux+500pcs+m3&qid=1614899227&sr=8-1 3mm Rod for Pin https://www.amazon.com/Sutemribor-Stainless-Straight-Helicopter-Airplane/dp/B07B4W6S2X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=sutemribor+3mm+x+300mm+stainless+steel&qid=1614899286&sr=8-2 The two pins must be cut to AT MOST 221.5mm for the Main Container Pin(upper pin) 227.5mm for the Lid Pin(lower pin) I would recommend inserting the 3mm rod all the way into the pin holes. Mark then cut and sand end smooth. You will want to print the tongues of the case with the small chamfer on the build plate, I printed mine with 7 wall line count. This part must be strong so print it accordingly. I would recommend printing the latch in resin but you might be able to get away with fdm. I will include step files for the assembly and the tool compartment. To customize, open either in preferred parametric modeling software and edit the tool compartment with whatever pockets that fit your tools.