Lightsaber Pen Vader

Lightsaber Pen Vader


I designed this pen after the Darth Vader lightsaber. It is designed to fit Cross gel selectip refills. I would definitely print this using a raft since it would be best to print vertically. Bed adhesion is going to be critical. If you want to have the pen refills fit then DO NOT SCALE. just a suggestion. Because there are threaded parts on this print I would suggest layer thickness to be no thicker than .2 mm. The less thickness the better. I would print at medium to low speeds due to some of the measurements being fairly specific. Also with it being printed vertically you will want to minimize any wobbling. I print this model with 40% infill. Also, because of the stress a pen undergoes during use, I print using cubic infill. The cubic infill gives it structural support from all angles. You could probably do just fine with other infills, cubic is just my preference in this instance. This print also has been a great candidate for tree supports. makes it really easy to take off the support material. I currently use this pen every day and it has held up well. Let me know in comments what you think and post some remakes if you can.






