Magnetic Screw Boxes

Magnetic Screw Boxes


Specifications : = Small magnetic box for storing screws during DIY projects. Numbered and magnetised boxes between them. Useful for identifying the disassembly order. 2 parts per box: - the box (outer size : 50 \* 50 \* 30mm, inner size : 40 \* 40 \* 27.5mm) - the number to be glued to the bottom Requires 4 magnets per box (*based on Geomag magnets*): - diameter: 6mm - thickness 3 mm At the design stage, the number has a 0.2mm gap to fill the whole hole after printing. BEWARE OF THE POLARITIES OF THE MAGNETS = When gluing it is important to pay attention to the polarity so that each box can stick to the others. What I have done : - positive" side: bottom and right. - negative" side: top and left.



