Hylian Shield (BOTW) - slim version for Ender 3

Hylian Shield (BOTW) - slim version for Ender 3


Remix of Gravedigger7789's Breath of the Wild Hylian Shield, the version cut to fit the Ender 3. Wanted to make a lighter and less bulky version of this great design because I figured it'd be easier to hang on the wall. Still a big print, but uses a full roll less filament than the original version. Reduced the thickness of the shield by 50%. At its thickest points it's now about 5cm deep, and a little over 1cm at the edges at 100% scale. Did the same on the alignment pegs and trimmed the sides off the peg so that it can be printed flat on its side for better strength. The result was basically a square peg that's rounded slightly on 2 sides to fit into the center of the now oval peg holes. The original version of this thing also included a handle - I haven't made any changes to that but have included it as created by the original designer - and a "strap" to loop your arm through. I have altered the strap to get rid of the rigid printed strap piece itself and added slots to the two strap anchor pieces so that you can attach a strip of actual leather/pleather/nylon strapping. I did two versions of the anchor, one you just glue the strap material into the slot, and on the other I've put a hole so that you can actually screw through the anchor and the strap to attach both to the shield. The screwed version includes a separate cap piece, which you would then glue on top to hide the screw. I'm not sure how effective or practical the screw version is, but it seemed like a good idea at the time so I've included it incase anyone wants to experiment with it. May need some tweaking depending on how wide a strap you want. This is the "full" version of the shield that does not have the cut out emblem pieces, though the same could probably be done with the cut out version. 0.28 layer height 2.5% gyroid infill 3 walls You might need supports for the inside of the alignment holes - I did normal, 60% overhang and 3% density. They pulled out easily with a pair of needle nosed pliers. If any bits don't pull out cleanly it'll be at the outside edges that do not touch the modified pegs anyway, so not an issue. At 100% the fully assembled shield is 27x22" Total filament used, ~1500g. Total print time ~135 hours.






