PCBite Clone

PCBite Clone


After seeing these featured on an EEVblog2 video, I thought they would be a huge help for making circuits and just as a general holder. The only thing that didn't help was their high price-point... so I decided to try and make my own. They are designed to be PCB board holders that are spring loaded and the body can be pulled down and then released to clamp onto the PCB. Here's the outcome and they work surprisingly and very well(although the grey caps printed incorrectly and my slicer messed everything up), but nevertheless they are a huge help and for a fraction of the cost. Granted these are most likely not nearly as good as the real ones*, but they're good enough for me. For the springs I bought some at my local hardware store, with a diameter of about .32in(a .25in shaft has to fit down the center of the spring), and with an uncompressed height of about .75in. The compression depends on your preference of how easy you would want opening the "clamp" to be. I printed 8 of these and stuck magnetic tape on the bottom of them to hold even the largest boards. Thanks! *https://sensepeek.com/



