Micro Machines Spaceship Stand

Micro Machines Spaceship Stand


After creating my [other spaceship stand](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4771484) (mainly for use with <i>Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy</i>), I decided to actually recreate the original Micro Machines spaceship stand/base that was included with <i>Star Trek</i> and <i>Star Wars</i> Micro Machines toys back in the '90s. Not having any of the actual stands anymore, I created this using photos I found on an old eBay listing that just happened to include measurements. (What luck!) Printing in clear plastic would probably be best, but it doesn't really matter. The peg on the top can be tight in some Micro Machines and loose in others. There's no perfect one size that fits all, it would seem, but the sizing I used should be a good midpoint. vmln8r created a [similar stand](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1513699) back in 2016, but it's still listed as a work in progress and it may not print without supports. All the stands I printed - on my Monoprice Select Mini after slicing in Cura - were printed without supports and without issue.



