Remixed HeroMe Gen5 Base 4 for MS-DD on Ender 5

Remixed HeroMe Gen5 Base 4 for MS-DD on Ender 5


Whiy did I remix this? Well, the way the whole thing had to be assembled, meant that I had to mod some stuff on my direct drive plate. It also meant that when I had to fix something with the hotend, I had to take everything apart. So I designed a few rudimentary mounting plates to the Base 4 of the HeroMe suite, and made it a bit shorter, since the wire guide doesn't need to be where it is in the original design. I went through one revision, because I forgot to put a mount for the BL-Touch on it. I made good use of for that, extending the arm a little so that the cooling fan could fit in between. What you see in the pictures are a Sunon MagLev 24v fan running on 18v, two 50/15 radial fans for cooling also running at 18v, and a BL-Touch, mounted to a Micro-Swiss direct drive extruder. I want my printer to be as silent as possible. Lastly: yes, I've printed this in PLA. The Sunon fan used has more than enough airflow to keep the heat sink cool, and after a hundred hours of printing, the whole thing is still in its original shape. :)



