


When an Otto robot (https://www.ottodiy.com/) meets a dingbot (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/) the result can only be a DingbOtto. The internal mountings allow for: 1x power button (8.5mm square) 1x additional button (same) 1x piezo buzzer (12mm diameter, 9mm deep) 1x MAX2719 8x8 LED matrix (controller board under matrix, not adjacent) 1x CC2541 bluetooth module 1x TTP223 touch sensor 1x LM393 based sound sensor 1x HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor 1x MPU-6050 IMU 2x LED (5mm) 1x Arduino Nano on a sensor shield 1x Dual 18650 battery holder providing regulated 5V output There is sufficient room between internal components to allow push-on Dupont connectors to be used rather than having to solder directly to the boards. Assembly and example programming can be copied from the Otto Humanoid project at https://store.ottodiy.com/product/humanoid. Download link goes to https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/14ccd14c-51a8-43b4-a3ce-8ca2de4b5afd/OttoDIYHumanoid.zip. I use clips intended for LED strip lighting to hold various components in place. An STL file for these is included, but moulded plastic ones are stronger. There are three variations of many components, sized to hold the common servo sizes of MG90S, MG90D or SG92R. There is also an armless version, where arduino pins 6 and 7 can drive LEDs instead of the arm servos. March 17th update: The head and body hemisphere files have been updated to fix some issues with some of the clip positioning. The body is also available in a pole and equator version, where the pole can be printed with the outside upwards, then the two pieces glued together. This means more tidying up of supports on the inside, but a better outside appearance. The body equator piece should not need supports. The 'whole hemisphere' body and head now have designed in supports, which can be tricky to remove (use a very sharp scalpel) but lead to a better surface finish than Cura autogenerated supports. You might need to enable 'Print thin walls' under Cura, or the equivalent in other slicers. The matrix test item is for trying out post-printing finishes (fillers, paints, etc) to check that the LEDs can still shine through without having to print a large slow item. The pole and equator version of the head hemisphere will be along in a while, at which point I will also update the Fusion 360 and STP files.







Model Robots