DiY 3D Printed CNC Machine
Introduction! Hi Friends Welcome to the DiY Projects Lab , I hope you all are well, so today we are going to learn how to make your own 3D Printed CNC machine. It is a prototype module, but once you build it you will definitely be able to build a very large CNC machine and with much higher accuracy. The principle will be the same, we will use DVD Writers Stepper Motors to control the movement of 3 axis of CNC machine. visit for insctructions Supplies: Let’s Make It List of some use full material required Arduino nano x1 CNC shield x1 A4988 Stepper motor Driver x2 Servo motor x1 pen x1 old DVD Scrap X2 Some wires Step 1: What Is CNC ? CNC (computer numerical control) The system is based on the control of the movements of the work tool in relation to the coordinate axis of the machine, using a computer program benbox executed by a is necessary to control the movements of the tool in two coordinate axis: the X axis for the longitudinal movements of the carriage and the Z axis for the transverse movements of the tower. servo motors are incorporated in the carriage and turret displacement mechanisms. AXIS MOVEMENTS X axis – left to right Y axis – front to back Z axis – up and down 3 Axis Automatic/interactive operation Milling slots Drilling holes Cutting sharp edges