28mm Standing Display Case

28mm Standing Display Case


Here are some Standing Display Cases for your tabletop games. I designed these for use with 'Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk' module (specifically room I 42 "Museum of Mayhem and Malice. I used small bits of paperclip wire to glued into the top of the display case to lock on the the top piece. Depending on your printer settings and the size of your paperclip wire, you may need to reestablish or widen the holes with a pin vise. If you do not wish to have removable tops, you can simple glue the tops on. For the 'glass' I cut 12mm x 33mm rectangles out of acetate sheets (I cut up the blister packaging that came with my new hot glue gun). If you are gluing the tops on and you are using the 'glass' in the display cases, you will probably not want to use superglue or CA glue because it will 'ghost' the glass. E6000 is a better choice that wont 'ghost' the glass. All the parts print flat without the need for rafts or supports. Enjoy!



