Tyco Trucking US-1 Windshield And Lights
Some of the Tyco Trucking vehicles are fitted with lights. These vehicles have a clear "light pipe" insert that directs the light to the windshield, the top of the vehicle, the headlights, and the fog lights. Some (although not all) of the vehicles have a black insert instead of clear, and do not have any lights. I'm guessing this was done for ease of manufacturing. This part is the design for the light pipe. If you have one of the vehicles with the black light pipe, you can print this in a clear material and insert it in your vehicle. Then add a "grain of wheat" 3 or 4mm diameter light (soldered in) and you'll have a light-up truck. Note: So far, I have fit-tested this part using an FDM part that I printed on a Prusa MK3S. I suspect that SLA will be a significantly better process for making a clear part such as this. If you do make one, I'd really appreciate it if you post the results so I can see how it worked for you. Note2: I posted a second STL of this that has 2 parts connected by a pair of sprues. The intent is if you're having some place like Shapeways manufacture these, it will be a little cheaper to manufacture a pair of them that are connected (as a single part) than to have them manufacture two separate pieces.