Spiraling  Square, Cube Twisting

Spiraling Square, Cube Twisting


####Spiraling Square / Square Nut? The present design is, first of all, a math toy. So play with it in multiple ways and ask questions. Second, it demonstrates the process of “linear_extrude with a twist” in OpenScad or “sweep along path with a twist” in Autodesk Fusion 360. Third, it shows that each twisted face is a “ruled” surface, which is swept out by a straight line segment. Both the axle and the spiraling squares are interesting to play with! 1) Try different angles of rotation, 2) Push the square and see how it turns the base, 3) Put multiple pieces of square and allow them to spiral together. 4) Design something different. ####Among the Files 1) A 40-mm square with a square hole (8mm), 2) Stands (40-mm square x 80mm) with various amounts of rotation (90 to 1080 degrees).







Math Art