OpenAPS edison-explorer rig case for 21700 battery
Case for Intel edison + hamshield/ERD explorer rig (e.g., for OpenAPS) with a 21700 battery. The cover locks on with two M2 screws (3mm to 6mm - e.g., the same size screw that the Edison locks onto the Explorer board with). The wires need to be curled in with the board or above it under the cover, go slow and be careful not to break battery wrapping, wires or devices, or leave any exposed wires. Battery I used (it includes a PCB protection circuit so is longer than most - you can resize both parts an equal % to shorten or lengthen the case as needed for your battery): I clipped the wires and soldered on this connector (you'll have to find similar, this is not available anymore): . Be careful since some connectors have the color coding backwards, use a voltmeter to check against a known good battery. *** It's my understanding the explorer does not have protection for reversing the voltage, so be very careful to get the polarity correct (my explorer board has a marking for the + side near the connector). *** For similar case with an 18650 battery, see . Comparison: 5000mAh (5Ah) 21700 with case: 107g weight 25mm depth 82mm length 58mm width 3500mAh 18650 with case: 81g weight 22mm depth 76mm length 55mm width