Ender 3 Y Offset for Linear Rail
Ok, so I put a linear rail on my X axis.... i lost that lil bit of space from the print area due to this as the print head is now + a bit on the Y axis from where it was. The bed "bottoms out" on the Y tensioner that I'm using, so I remixed this to go at the front of the 4040 so that the bed can roll just a few more MM, still on the aluminum extrusion as not to juke when the rollers hit the printed part, but gives the rollers enough space to get me back to 230mm for Y on the Ender 3. Also the bolts that I put in the top part I spaced out a bit to ensure the Y tensioner was leveled out. Eventually Ill go to linear rail on the Y to and get the full 235 back, but for now this fixes this issue i was having :) Gotta print a 200mm fan grate lol :)