***Redundant*** Resinator (Resin Oxygenator)
***Please go to the latest iteration and combination of this design here. (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4807401)*** Updated: New file for the base, the other one I messed up. **Just a fair warning before you waste materials, this is a very difficult print even for resin printing. I repaired all channels and work as intended(no water tries to go past the first air lock) but failed to completely clear out the resin left in those channels so you can guess what happened. Just enough was still in there to clog up the pathways. I have not attempted to print this with FDM printers since they have limitations on water tight builds. Ill be continuing tests in other manners to figure out the efficacy of this design and thought process of saturating resin with Oxygen.** Uploaded some files if you wanted to print a bottle for the oxygen generator. A file to adapt any normal bottle 1 liter, 2 liter, 16 oz, etc. And a compression fitting for quick tube install or removal. Been researching to get faster better looking prints with resin, and Ive comes across oxygen as one. Liquid oxygen is expensive(the real stuff) and at dangerous temperatures. Just a bubbler would not be efficient. So this design goes along using another container to house potato powder and when ready for oxygen, hydrogen peroxide. A tube connects the top of the potato bottle and feeds this system. I designed a couple of air locks to prevent liquid from coming out when filled up. There is only one bubbler at the bottom for now just to keep pressures under control. Each part in the design is printable minus the fitting. The seal can be fabricated or printed. Valve system is adjustable. References Used: https://print.grabcad.com/library/fitting-tube-5-slash-32-or-4mm https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4250354/files https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4119762 More information about the science behind this can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-frYe_WPxMc&t=273s