Improved New 3DS charger dock door

Improved New 3DS charger dock door


Note: see also my make ( of this thing for more visual information. Background: after the print I noticed that the holes for the pogo pins were more than the 1mm needed wide and the pins would not hold in place to have them glued in. Also I am not a big fan of hot glue, as it hinders any maintenance in the future. So I extended the design of the bottom part to hold the pogo pins properly and also added some support for the bottom door to hold it nicely in place without wiggling. * Print the part with 100% infill as you will need to drill holes in the plastic. * Use the centering guides on the support cylinders to drill 1mm holes for the pins. * Carefully press-fit the pins in the holes. * Prepare the USB cable by pulling it all the way through the base and wire up the pogo pins (the plus/red cable has to go next to where the cable emerges inside the base - as stated in the text, see also the image for details). * Solder the wires to the pins. This will also further help to fix the pins in place as the plastic will likely melt a bit around the pins. * **Note**: do not put the soldering iron on the pins too long to avoid damage to the plastic piece. Use good flux to keep the soldering time short. * Carefully pull the cable back and align the door with the base. * Fasten the screw and enjoy. Thanks **@Dash_Lambda** for sharing his design!



