After all my military-models I wanted to do some civilian. So here is my freightwagon (h=heavy and l=light), The light ones are drawn by a team of Ardenners, The heavy ones by one or two teams of Clydesdales. The pictures show the wagons with different payloads, some of the basic elements I added as .stl-files, but as you see, nearly everything can be loaded onto the wagons. A hint for loading the wagons: If you try to assemble the loads onto the wagons in CURA the program quite soon reaches its limits because of the data-volume. Better assemble the payloads onto wagons in ChiTuBox (slicing software for resin-printers) The load floor level is 7 mm. If you want to load plenty of the same pieces onto the wagons, use the “clone”-function, .it holds the 7mm- level. All files are for 1/160 scale optimised for resin-printing, supports are required. Horses and load items are out of thingiverse I´m sorry not to know the authors. All .stl-files are in 1/160-scale