FLSUN QQ-S Duet3D Smart effector rail carriages
WARNING! These parts failed on me today after a print head crash. The failure was initially not noticeable, as it did not crack, but it loosened in the bearing area. This was due to the holes for the effector mount screws, they caused a bump in the extrusion, making the bearing pivot inside the cylinder. I will be making updates to these to mitigate that flaw, along with a few other improvements. Rail carriages to carry the Duet3D magnaball mount plates. The distance these protrude from the rails require no additional tweaking other than setting the new arm length in Marlin. The fit is tight, but not tight enough to struggle getting the bearings in and out. The strain relief is definitely needed for the cable, or you'll be replacing the connectors within a week. Make sure to use it with a pair of M3x8 screws and some cable ties.