Hero Me Gen5 4020 Fan Duct Remix

Hero Me Gen5 4020 Fan Duct Remix


This is a remix of the 4020 lightweight standard ducts for the Hero Me Gen5. The screw hole for holding the 4020 blower fans on the original HMG5 lightweight ducts did not line up with the holes on the 4020 blowers I purchased. This corrects that issue by enlarging the top of the 'arm' that holds the fan and then repositioning the hole. I have also included the Fusion 360 file (as well as a .step of the revised arm) should people need to adjust the location of the hole further. The workflow in Fusion 360 for adjusting the location of the hole is as follows: 1. Select the hole on the 'Revised fan arm' body and use the move command (selecting 'faces' as the object) and then align the hole as needed. 2. Convert the 'Revised fan arm' to a mesh using 'BRep to Mesh'. 3. Merge the mesh of 'Revised fan arm' with the existing 'Amended RH fan duct' mesh. 4. Run 'Make closed mesh' on the merged mesh (I suggested 'Preserve Sharp Edges' mode with density maxed). 5. Export the resulting mesh to a binary STL. 6. Import the binary STL into MeshMixer and use the 'mirror' option to make the left-hand version of the duct. 7. Export meshes as STLs, slice and print.







3D Printing