Pi camera with auto ir cut filter + dual ir projector mount for Marius's arm
__________ <big> <b><font color=red>Please consider clicking the "I made one" button and sharing pictures of your print ^^ If you like my work give me a like, it means a lot to me. __________ Marius has made a perfect arm for the Prusa i3 mk3 so i had to use it but i wanted to use my big fat IR camera so i made this. No need to use it with vertical adjustment: the nozzle is in the center of the image remixed from : (remix source selector is dead so i've put source links here) Modular Raspberry Pi Camera v2 mount + X-motor cable clip by MariusHornberger https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4631375 Raspberry Pi camera night vision case with auto IR filter cut by TR-909 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4227360 __________ Files to print from sources to have a fully functionnal camera mount From Marius: 1x: camera_arm_mount.STL 1x camera_arm_module.STL 4x cable_clip.STL If an extension is needed you can print "camera_arm_module.STL" and add 2 "cable_clip.STL" From TR-909: 1x top_final.stl __________ <br><Center><big><big><b> If you like my work <a rel="nofollow" href="http://paypal.com/paypalme/maxdarkdog"><img src="https://hasutsuki.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/buy-me-a-coffee-with-paypal.png" alt="Buy me a coffe with PayPal"></a><br><br><br>