Bowden PTFE tube cutting guide aid tool
One of the best, simplest solution for straight cutting PTFE/Bowden tube (<b>4 mm outer diameter</b>). <b>Your printer needs to be calibrated to have less than 0,2 mm dimensional error or you will face problems with screwing PC4-M10 PTFE tube connector into this cutting aid.</b> You will need one PC4-M10 connector, just like the one which screws into hotend in stock Ender.3/3 Pro. Thread dimensions: M10x0,75 mm. You need to insert Bowden tube into coupling untill the end of tube reaches exit from front side, then use sharp (preferably new) xacto knife or whatever sharp object you have, insert it in one of two notches and press down and pull it towards you at the same time. You will get ideal straight-cut end of PTFE tube without hassle. Afterwards either press the lock of coupler and pull tube out or pull it from front side till you pull it out completely. There are 2 notches in this cutting guide: for 0,6 mm and 0,8 mm thick blade. This guide was designed to leave mark (from coupler) on the tube below place where it will be when tube is inserted in stock Ender.3 hotend, so when you insert PTFE tube in the hotend, coupler will bite into fresh piece of tube. Coupler was added to remove backslash when cutting PTFE tube, which affects cutting angle in other solutions. <b>If you appreciate my work - please consider sending me tip. I have great health issues from coronavirus and lost my work. 3D printing is one of the very few things that keeps me alive in the hope of a better future. Here is my paypal account link:</b> <b>Thank you very much from bottom of my heart.</b>